Adds item to item ban list. Usage: !additem [itemID]

Removes item from item ban list. Usage: !removeitem [itemID]

Adds Message to server message list. Usage: !addmessage [messageID]

Removes message from server message list. Usage: !removemessage [messageID]

Lookup item ids. Usage: !lookupitem

Adds a rule to this server. Usage: !addrule [rule text]

Removes rule from server. Usage: !removerule [ruleID]

Shows Website URL Information. Usage: !website

Shows Chat Server Information. Usage: !chat

Shows Chat Server Information. Usage: !ts

Shows Chat Server Information. Usage: !vent

Adds player to server ban list. Usage: !guid [playerid] [server]

Adds player to server ban list. Usage: !ban [guid] [server] [reason]

Remove ban from server. Usage: !unban [guid] [server]

Kicks player from server. Usage: !kick [playerID] [server] [reason]

Warns player. Usage: !warn [playerID] [server] [reason]

Lists what group a user is. Usage: !groupcheck [playerID]

Shows the server the current rule set. Usage: !rules [rule number]

List information about self. Usage: !self

Updates a player to a certain group. Usage: !setgroup [playerID] [groupid]

Sets next map. Usage: !map [map_name]

Shows next map. Usage: !nextmap

Shows how long RCON tool has been running. Usage: !uptime

Send message as the console. Usage: !say [message]

Shows current rank on server. Usage: !rank

Gets players current stats. Usage: !stats

Shows top players on server. Usage: !topkills

Shows top kill/death ratios on server. Usage: !topkdr

Shows players Kill/Death Ratio. Usage: !kdrrank

Returns current player list. Usage: !players [serverID]

Returns current server list. Usage: !servers

Shows available groups to assign to. Usage: !groups

Returns name of admin currently on server (if available). Usage: !currentadmin

Returns current command list. Usage: !cmdlist

Pages an admin if on any server – emails if not. Usage: !adminhelp [reason]

Sends a personal message to a player. Usage: !pm [playerID] [server] [message]

Give syntax of command. Usage: !help [command]

Give syntax of command. Usage: !bansearch [search term] [server]

Bans a user from all servers. Usage: !globalban [playerid] [server] [reason]

Bans user in console (can not undo through paronicon). Usage: !gsban [playerID] [server] [reason]

Returns number of times you visited the server. Usage: !playcount

Returns amount of time you’ve spent in the server. Usage: !playtime

Promotes user group of user. Usage: !promote [player name]

Demotes user group of user. Usage: !demote [player name]

Used to answer questions from Paronicon. Usage: !reply yes or !reply no

Does a fast restart on an unranked server. Usage: !restart

Does a map rotate on an unranked server. Usage: !rotate

Checks for update and updates if one is available. Usage: !update

Sends a tempban to remove the user from the server. Usage: !tempban [player name]

Makes the console reply with boobs. Usage: !boobs

About Paronicon

Paronicon is the most advanced downloadable rcon tool for managing and maintaining your game servers. It’s packed with features, beautiful, easy to use, constantly supported, has a great community & it’s free.


Support is provided on the Paronicon support forums. There you can request features and report bugs.


Help support this free tool and it’s team by donating so we can buy some beer and keep coding.
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