Paronicon is loaded with tons of great features, that all admins want, but other rcon tools weren’t giving them. If you have something you would like to see in a future version of Paronicon, please submit a feature request!

Multiple Game Support NEW!

Paronicon lets you manage your COD: Black Ops, COD: Modern Warfare, COD: World at War or COD: Modern Warfare 2 (4D1) servers from a single instance of Paronicon. More game support coming soon!

Supported Games


Multiple Server Support

Paronicon supports the configuration of multiple servers in the same application. It will also allow you to send commands from one server to another server without ever leaving the game.

Supported Games


Server Failure Alerts NEW!

It’s it horrible when you realize your game server has been down for 2 hours and you didn’t know it. Paronicon now sends email alerts to your email when your game server stops responding.

Supported Games


Built-in Rank System

Paronicon will log all kills, deaths, and weapon uses (coming soon) to keep track of top players on your servers. You can export these stats to an external database for display in any format you wish as well.

Supported Games


Player Manager & Database

Paronicon will record every player and every player action on the server for you to go back and review chat logs and kick/ban players that are frequent abusers of admins!

Supported Games


In-Game Admin via Chat

Paronicon can be controlled in game. You can manage players, banned items, restricted language, as well as add message and rules to the timed messages, all from within game.

Supported Games


Command Output Manager

Customize how your Paronicon responds to your admin commands while your in-game. (!say, !pm or none) Even set if you want to confirm your command !ban !kick !warn command before it’s executed.

Supported Games


Weapon & Perk Kick System (Custom Presets)

Paronicon has a built in Weapon and Perk rule presets that kick people who abuse weapons that are not allowed on your server. You can even configure how many offenses people get before they are kicked.

Supported Games


Auto Ban System

Paronicon will log all users that get kicked from your server for you. You can choose to ban the people that abuse the auto kick system. They will get banned after X kicks for the same item.

Supported Games


Custom Gametype/Map Playlists

Paronicon will allow you to configure a custom rotation with great detail. You can mix any game type with any game mode.

Supported Games


Reserved Slots without Passwords

Paronicon’s VIP command will allow you to kick a random non-ranked person from your server to allow for an admin to get in.

Supported Games


Admin Action Logs

Paronicon records all admin activities. You can use this to make sure your admins are not abusing the power they have been given as well as to make sure they are doing what is requested.

Supported Games


Language Filters

Paronicon allows you to configure certain words that you want to be restricted on your server. You can configure how many offenses people get before they are kicked.

Supported Games


Console Display

Send messages to the console directly from Paronicon’s GUI or from within game. This command can be sent from other servers as well.

Supported Games


Welcome & Timed Messages

Paronicon can send any style welcome message to players as they join, as well as send timed messages to the console at a frequency you choose.

Supported Games


Website & Voice Server Information

Most clans or communities have their own website and voice server to let them communicate easily. Now players in your server can get that information by typing !website, !ts or !vent into the games chat.

Supported Games


Rules Management

Paronicon lets you set a custom list of rules that can be read by a player by typing !rules into the games chat. Add as many as you want!

Supported Games


Custom In-Game Commands

Paronicon supports custom commands. You can configure these commands as aliases (just call a different command that is already implemented), or have them return certain text upon calling. In addition, you can set a URL and Paronicon will attempt to parse the URL for the text it should send. (Could be used for stats scripts to get the most kills with certain guns).

Supported Games


Advanced Ban Management

The bans that are placed on your server are placed within Paronicon. This allows you to unban people within Paronicon as well as choosing to do a cross-server ban (will ban that player from all servers that are configured in Paronicon).

Supported Games


Ping Kicker

Restrict the pings that are allowed on your server. If a player gets in with a high ping, they will be given time for their connection to clear up, then it will kick them if it persists.

Supported Games


Map & Kick Vote System

Paronicon will allow the players on your server to vote to kick people as well as which map should be played next. If you are using a custom rotation, the map will be played, and then the rotation will resume where it left off.

Supported Games


Custom User Groups

Paronicon lets you create and customize unlimited user groups and their individual permissions.

Supported Games


Access Logs from FTP or Local Disc NEW!

Paronicon supports retrieving game logs via FTP or Local Disc for installations that are running on a share or dedicated game server.

Supported Games


Complete REST API NEW!

Control Paronicon from the web, iPhone, or Android devices using the brand new Paronicon 2 REST API. Use a public application or even built your own. API documentation can be found here.

Supported Games


Export Stats to mySQL NEW!

Export your internal player stats from Paronicon to your webservers mySQL database.

Supported Games


Scheduled Tasks & Back Ups NEW!

Keep your Paronicon 2 install as efficient as possible by setting up scheduled tasks and regular back ups so you never lose your data.

Supported Games


Black Tomato Mod Database Importer

For anyone coming from Black Tomato Mod, Paronicon has a method to import all players from the BTM database so that you can keep your stats, and permissions as they were in BTM.

Supported Games

About Paronicon

Paronicon is the most advanced downloadable rcon tool for managing and maintaining your game servers. It’s packed with features, beautiful, easy to use, constantly supported, has a great community & it’s free.


Support is provided on the Paronicon support forums. There you can request features and report bugs.


Help support this free tool and it’s team by donating so we can buy some beer and keep coding.
Copyright © 2012 Paronicon. All Rights Reserved.