Paronicon 2 › Released

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This release fixes many bugs found by the community and added a few features as well. Update Paronicon by clicking the “Install Now” button at the top right of Paronicon. You may need to restart Paronicon to see the update button.

Bug Fixes

– Changed MW2 to CoD6. Not sure how that one slipped by for so long. 😛
– Map names are no longer case sensitive for map and setnextmap.
– Fixed a bug that would prevent sd and softcore from working in !playlist
– Fixed a bug that when typing commands in console, they would not all work.
– Fixed a bug that would cause commands to not work when using slotID and the reason had spaces.
– Fixed an issue where editing a server would cause a not returning 200 error.
– Fixed language filter import from another server.
– Fixed message import from another server.
– Fixed kicking from auto-kicker not working in CoD4 MW
– Fixed some commands acting on wrong slots in CoD4 MW
– Fixed P2 sending an email every time global settings are saved. Will only do it if SMTP settings are changed.
– Fixed custom commands to web freaking out.
– Fixed unknown soldiers not getting kicked in all cases.


– Added modular plugin support. Will be released with documentation to build your own plugins.
– Finished most API methods. Ran into some issues with a few – wanted to get this release out since it has a lot in it).
– Finished host mode code. Looking for hosting company BETA testers. Contact me if interested.
– Added marty detection to MW
– Added Second Chnace detection to MW
– Several performance increases on the player watcher thread. Runs 12% faster with 18-36% less database calls.

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