Paronicon 2 › Released

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This release fixes many bugs found by the community and added a few features as well. Update Paronicon by clicking the “Install Now” button at the top right of Paronicon. You may need to restart Paronicon to see the update button.

Bug Fixes

– Fixed an issue where the importer thread would fail. (Timing issue)
– Fixed an error that occurred when using the player menu and selecting options when the row was not selected.
– Minor UI Changes
– Fixed a bug that would cause the to not work correctly.
– Fixed a bug that would cause groups to error when being added.
– Fixed context menu bug on player log tab.
– Fixed Ballistic Projectile and Olympia not being picker up when restricted.
– Fixed an issue that would prevent permission updates.
– Fixed some code that may prevent the updater from working correctly.
– Backend stat adjustments.
– Fixed a bug that occurred when submitting changes to an edited server.
– Fixed a but that was preventing FTP info to be saved when editing a server.
– Fixed a bug that was preventing updating of Disc Information
– Fixed a bug that was preventing deleting of servers.


– Added menu item to start/stop all servers at once.
– Added ability to start servers on startup.

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Paronicon is the most advanced downloadable rcon tool for managing and maintaining your game servers. It’s packed with features, beautiful, easy to use, constantly supported, has a great community & it’s free.


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