Paronicon 2 › Released

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This release fixes many bugs found by the community and added a few features as well. Update Paronicon by clicking the “Install Now” button at the top right of Paronicon. You may need to restart Paronicon to see the update button.

Bug Fixes

– Fixed map rotation skipping maps
– Fixed map rotation getting stuck
– Fixed issue where adding a shortcode would not refresh the tab correctly.
– Fixed a crash that would result if you did not select a log method.
– Fixed WA2000 not being picked up by banned items.
– Fixed “Invalid Server Name” error when editing a server and not changing the name.
– Fixed a bug where Windows 2008 would cache the size of an FTP file which would make P2 thing there were no updates. (Ugh Windows).
– Fixed the auto-start option.
– Fixed an issue that would not allow local disc browse dialog to be used.
– Fixed FTP path needing to be IP Address.


– Added UI component to show current map.
– Added Second Chance to the restricted items list for WaW
– Added wildcard to the language filter (* – means infinite characters in that direction)

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Paronicon is the most advanced downloadable rcon tool for managing and maintaining your game servers. It’s packed with features, beautiful, easy to use, constantly supported, has a great community & it’s free.


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