Paronicon 2 › Released

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This release fixes many bugs found by the community and added a few features as well. Update Paronicon by clicking the “Install Now” button at the top right of Paronicon. You may need to restart Paronicon to see the update button.

Bug Fixes

– Fixed VIP Checkbox not updating on group select.
– Fixed rank reordering from not showing up.
– Fixed commands being case sensitive.
– Fixed invalid server name length error when editing a server.
– Fixed the player watcher not clearing cache when the service is stopped.
– Decoded chat log (no more ' showing up in it).
– Fixed a bug that would cause a crash during import when the timer did not stop in time.
– Fixed an issue where the player count would be inaccurate.
– Fixed an issue where the header of topkills was not displayed in the correct output type (pm, say, none).
– Rounded the KDR ratio to 2 decimal places anywhere KDR was displayed.
– Fixed Create/Update button on MYSQL settings.
– Fixed Test button on MySQL Settings.
– Fixed Database backup screen minor bugs.
– Fixed a bug that would make close kills not work for the top two players on the server.


– Added stats link to the TopKills and TopKDR on the server tab.
– Added the ability to sort the overview by slotID
– Added ability to parse a log URL for other gametypes. (Server must support gzip and content-length header.)
– Added ability to view errors that occurred during the importing of P1 process. (If any exists)

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Paronicon is the most advanced downloadable rcon tool for managing and maintaining your game servers. It’s packed with features, beautiful, easy to use, constantly supported, has a great community & it’s free.


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