Paronicon 2 › Released

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This release fixes many bugs found by the community and added a few features as well. Update Paronicon by clicking the “Install Now” button at the top right of Paronicon. You may need to restart Paronicon to see the update button.

Bug Fixes

– Fixed close kills not working correctly when the top 2 people call it.
– Fixed a log parser “hang”.
– Fixed a player watcher hang (Overviw Tab).
– Fixed the editing of a server not verifying the logURL correctly.
– Prevented changing servers when in edit mode.
– Fixed binds not being picked up correctly.
– Fixed a bug where duplicate custom commands could exist.
– Fixed the logURL box not becoming editable when in edit server mode.
– Fixed VIPSafe flag not sticking when checked.
– Language filter works again.

*shit – Filters shit, bullshit, horseshit, but not shithead.
shit* – Filters shit, shittles, shithead, but not bullshit.
shit – Only filters when shit is in the string as an exact match (note: “thats bullshit.” will NOT match due to the period on the end)
*shit* – will match of any of the words contains shit anywhere in them. Like beshittled.

– Adjusted the second chance stat calculation to avoid false positives.


– Users were able to run !restart by default. Removed this. Will not apply to users that have already created the database. Only to new installations.
– Made ban message show admin name that triggered the ban.
– Added multi-line outputs for custom commands.
– Made the BTM importer use drop downs for the Paronicon group listing.

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